Concrete Statuary

Concrete lantern statuary

Large Selection of Statuaries

Add to your yard an element of a courtyard, a park with our wide selection of sophisticated statuary lawn decor. These hand-crafted beauties offer both visual and practical appeal.


Find the perfect concrete pedestals for your plants, patio or chess tables, and so much more. Transform your yard into something more than a lawn: a retreat.


Whether you're looking for a functional addition to your yard or installations that are more about aesthetic, turn to our expert crew to guide you in the right direction for your property.

Browse our range of statuaries

No matter if you've always wanted the watchful lions at a city hall to overlook your yard or simply need a pair of garden benches; our crew can help you find the perfect pieces for your yard.


Certain concrete statuaries complement different landscapes. Not only do we offer a full line of statues, benches, tables, and much more, our team also consists of landscapers with decades of experience. We'll have your yards at their best versions.

Enjoy a wide variety

  • Patio tables
  • Benches
  • Statues
  • Large planters
  • Large entry pieces
  • Hand-crafted concrete works
  • Expert guidance
  • Plus much more in our full line
Concrete Statuaries
Concrete lantern statuaries
Concrete pots
Concrete chairs and table
Concrete benches
Concrete statuaries

Come by our extensive nursery and browse our large selection of concrete statuaries to find the highest quality pieces.

Get in touch today to get started

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